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Why Making Decisions is Hard

Amanda Stark

The reason you find it so hard to make a decision is because you believe you can make the wrong one. But that's completely false!

Contrary to what we've been taught all of our lives, there aren't right and wrong decisions. There are only decisions that we make and how we choose to think about them. There isn't an objective scale out there somewhere in the world that rates your decisions and gives you a grade. There's just you.

You already know the right decisions for you.

But you don't feel that way because you're telling yourself you don't know. You're doing that because you're afraid of making the "wrong" decision. What if I told you that whatever decision you make is the right one?

How do I know this? It's not possible for you to make the wrong decision. Seriously.

Right now pick one thing that you've been "trying to decide". Then follow these three steps:

  1. Pick one of your options and make that your decision.

  2. Say out loud, "I've made the right decision for me."

  3. Take action based on your decision.

Do these three things in order without taking a break. If you don't take action based on your decision you haven't really decided.

For example, let's say you've had paint samples sitting on your kitchen counter for a month while you "try to decide" which color you like best.

  1. Pick a color. Any of them. There is no wrong choice. If you hated any of the colors they wouldn't still be sitting on your kitchen counter.

  2. Say out loud, "I've made the right decision for me."

  3. Order the paint. Right now. Go online, drive to the store, call them- whatever gets the paint ordered. Then throw all of the other sample colors away.

Congratulations! You've made a decision and you have one less thing taking up space in your brain and on your counter.

The first step to living your best life is deciding to have it. And then taking action to get there. One step, one decision at a time.

Get What You Want Webinar Registration

Are you ready to start making decisions? I’m a life coach helping women get unstuck and out of their own way and I have one on one coaching spots available.

What is a life coach? ✨Someone who holds a judgment-free space for you to share your thoughts and feelings. ✨Someone who provides you with a neutral, objective perspective. ✨Someone who believes you can get the results you want and will support you every step of the way. ✨Someone who challenges you to level-up and be the best version yourself. ✨Someone who may say things you won't want to hear, but always says them with love. ✨An investment in yourself that you deserve.

I'm hosting a free webinar on June 17 at 7pm Eastern/4pm Pacific all about getting what you want. It will be your guide to gaining confidence so you can make decisions, get unstuck and live your best life. Attend live to get your questions answered and my insight on your specific goals. Register now for free!


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